A vrai dire, une nouvelle version de Flux sera lancée vers la juin/juillet 2018 donc ce n'est pas un arrêt définitif.
C'est toutefois possible que le futur Flux ait un positionnement et un coeur de cible assez différent.
C'est vraiment dommage que le concept soit abandonné !
J'avais aussi assisté à la conférence de Thomas Trinelle lors du dernier PRUG, et la solution a vraiment du potentiel...
En terme de souplesse et facilité, c'était la plateforme la plus abordable et user-friendly que j'ai eu l'occasion de voir !
Ils avaient envoyés un message fin février pour annoncer cette fin (provisoire?):
"The FLUX platform and applications will be shut down on March 31.
For the past couple of years we worked to build interoperability and collaboration tools that help architects and engineers find solutions to create better buildings. We are grateful to the many users who supported us along the way. It is thrilling to hear how people like you used FLUX to solve difficult problems on the most complicated and exciting building projects in the world. Every week or so we heard about a new, unexpected use by an architect or engineer who's job required that they find a way to do something that no one had done before.
It has been a great ride, but we found that the cost to create, maintain and extend our solutions vastly outweighs their commercial potential. As a result we are shutting down the current FLUX products effective March 31.
Our passion for helping improve the built environment is undiminished. We are redirecting our still considerable resources to a new project related to building information. We look forward to sharing the new project with you mid-year.
Thank you for your support. If you need assistance moving your data off FLUX please contact us at help@flux.io.